My Favorite Movie | Standup Comedy by Mohd Suhel

  • If you just want to watch the Taarzan bit then I suggest you to watch the first and last 10 minutes. However, there's a lot of good stuff in all of the clips.
    I made this video to show that there are so many variables in comedy that every audience gives a different response to the exact same joke. There are 7 different versions/iterations of the same set in this video. I hope you enjoy this or learn something about standup comedy.
    Time stamps:
    00:00 - Preface
    01:20 - 1st Performance
    05:30 - 2nd Performance
    09:30 - 3rd Performance
    13:55 - 4th Performance
    18:35 - 5th Performance
    27:05 - Abandon
    Audience was laughing on random things which threw me off so I had to abandon my set and do crowd work.
    28:25 - 6th Performance
    33:30 - Camera turned off in the middle
    39:40 - 7th and Final
    43:20 - Bonus
    I can't write pigeon subtitles for 46 minutes.

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