REd Webinars - Projects and Activities for PBL Project Based Learning and TBA Task Based Approach

  • Project Based Learning and Task Based Approach are the stars of this week’s free Resource Education webinar.
    I first talked about the difference between the two approaches:
    Task based focuses on a communicative goal. The session/lesson centers around the necessary skills the students need to achieve the communicative goal. Good examples can be “to interview candidates and hire the best one” or “to get information and choose a movie to watch/concert to go to.”
    Project based focuses on an essential question to be investigated or a process to reach a feasible goal. The students follow various steps that lead to a tangible project. In this case, the teacher acts as a coach helping groups of students along the way. Good examples can be “how accurate are your local stereotypes?” or “design an app.”
    Both of these approaches make for very engaging and productive sessions.
    I presented a series of projects that can be adapted to both of these approaches, as well as the level and age of the students.
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