Stress Less Wellness Talks/Webinars: Managing Stress

  • This is part of a three-part wellness talk/webinar series in conjunction with the Stress-Less Wellness Campaign.
    Stress due to external and/or internal triggers, are only as bad as we let them be. That being said, it’s not easy to shut off the old habits that work against us.
    Whether your stress triggers are money, relationships, work deadlines, health, family, or all of the above, there are tools and practices to help you to respond to stress in more positive and productive ways.
    Participants will learn to identify personal triggers, current ways of coping, and new ways of responding to stress.
    Earn 35 Vitaltiy Points for viewing the talk in person, remotely, or via webinar and completing a follow up questionnaire.
    Other talks in this series:
    Stress Less with Mindful Meditation
    Creating Inner Peace

    Category : Webinars


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